

看到好多答案都是之前的问题了,就来更新一下最近看到的~ 话说前段时间去香港,看到港台那里好多路人都在用最新出的iPhone SE2(虽然大陆没出...),以及很多女生用着各种颜色的小米8……于是我又开始了我的探索!

先来说说小花吧,众所周知小花一直用的华为Mate9,但当我去年去香港的时候看到她换成了P20,而且竟然还有限量版的蓝色渐变!后来上网搜了一下,发现这版P20国内好像没有出售....... (二维码自动识别) 而今年再去香港的时候,她的手机又换了,这次是最新的iPhoneXS MAX,不过居然还留着之前的P20,看来是对这手机很有感情的....... 那么重点来了!在这么多个手机中,我惊奇地发现了一个“新”机——一加6T!对就是刚刚发布那个,没想到第二天就出现在了花花的包里。(难道这是厂家送的试用品吗哈哈) 接下来是我的新图——杨洋用着刚发布的OPPO Reno Z!!网上虽然有这款手机的图片,但是真机还是第一次见到!粉粉的颜色,加上正面几乎没有边框的设计,简直少女心爆棚啊!(PS. 这个颜色和杨洋很配哈哈) 然后是我苦苦追寻的真人真机照——刘昊然用的iPhone XS Max。因为很多明星用的这个手机都被媒体拍到了,所以这部手机应该算是实锤了吧。

PS:另外我看到网上有人说是郭敬明,然而我去香港多次都没有碰到过他.......而图中这款电脑也是我没见过的,不知道是不是他本人的东西╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ 所以这位拿的手机应该是李易峰。



手机(mobile telephone,mobile phone,cell phone,或 cellular telephone), abbreviated to "mobi"(in British English),"mote" or "mo"(in American English), is an equipment for sending voice or data that access a cell of a mobile telecom station. A cellphone includes three main components, a transmitter, a receiver and a control circuit. A cellphone is a radio transceiver, operating within the context of the networks that allow communication between similarly enabled handsets.

A cellphone generally has the capability to make and receive telephone calls over a wide geographical area. It can send and receive text messages (SMS). It also has personal digital assistant (PDA) functionality. It can include a appointment calendar (an electronic version of a personal organizer), a calculator, an alarm clock and an games. The mobile phone allows you to access the Internet as well as store contacts. It has the ability to take and show photographs, record video clips AND PLAY MUSIC. Newer mobile phones have a built in digital camera. Cellphone can connect to other electronic devices with Bluetooth and infrared technologies and have built in GPS receptor. In recent years, new applications have been added to cellphones, allowing them to do many of the things that desktop computers do, such as broadband Internet access, gaming, video conferencing and streaming video.
